Wire Portugal

With the purpose of increasing the visibility of women in the Real Estate and Construction sector, boosting their representativeness and defense of their interests, positioning them as active and reference participants, we created Wire Portugal (Women in Real Estate), an Association of Professional Women in Construction & Real Estate.

Wire's members occupy management and C-level positions in all areas of the Real Estate and Construction Ecosystem, namely in asset management, financial services, real estate development, construction, public sector, consulting, legal, architecture and engineering.

If it makes sense, join us and help us build an active and participative community!

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Wire Portugal


Increase the visibility of Women in Construction and Real Estate, boosting their representativeness and defending their interests within the sector, positioning them as active and reference participants.

With the strong belief that, united under this common goal, we will build a strong network of trust and support, which will allow us to add value and a unique perspective to the sector.


We are driven by:

1) Create added value for our Associates, Partners and Sponsors;

2) Achieve recognition of the value WIRE can bring to the market, through diversity, resident knowledge sharing, and the ability to generate differentiated solutions in a very demanding sector that faces growing and structuring challenges;

3) Be an Association recognized for its ability to create value through dialogue, having as interlocutors men and women who have a say in the sector

4) Develop Mentoring and Empowerment programs that help women to follow the path of success in their careers, allowing them, along with the increasing occupation of top positions, to have the capacity to make decisions at the highest level and to imprint their vision to the strategic decisions of the sector.

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In strategic terms, with different timings and different levels of maturity, our goals are:

Actively participate in all real estate industry events and conferences, with at least one woman on each panel.

Build a strong community of women real estate professionals, with cross-cutting and complementary skills.

To help talented women achieve their goals and further their careers by integrating them more prominently in the real estate industry.

Cooperate with public administration, institutions and organizations influential in the real estate sector for the benefit of the economy and the real estate market.

Ensure that the association is heard by the entities with decision-making powers before the implementation of any law or regulation that affects the real estate market.

Team Members


Filipa Arantes Pedroso

Filipa Arantes Pedroso


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Diana Nigra

Diana Nigra


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Susana Pascoal

Susana Pascoal


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Andrea Violas Ferreira

Andrea Violas Ferreira


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Margarida Ordaz Caldeira

Margarida Ordaz Caldeira


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Patrícia Barão

Patrícia Barão

Training and mentoring

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Irina Va

Irina Va


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